Episode #

Breaking The Organic Label Spell

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podcast Description

In today's society, our perception of healthy food and humane, agricultural practices relies heavily-- if not completely-- on the food labels we purchase. In this episode, James take us on a crash course of what many of these trivial labels actually mean for the soil and the land, the animals, the farmers-- corporate and local, the big 5 agricultural corporations, and ultimately us, the consumers. With 2020 opening our eyes to the truths of our current reality, it is in 2021 that we start speaking up for the life that we desire for ourselves, our families, our children, and our community. And how we speak up in this system is with our dollar, and our awareness. So I ask: Do you know where your money is going? Do you know what your money is supporting? And are you willing to be receptive to the truths of theses matters and take action? I highly suggest that you watch this episode in its entirety; that way you can walk away with the knowledge presented, and start taking the necessary actions towards a healthy self (heal thy self). You can find James on his website: www.beyondorganicsfarm.com and his co-op: ozarkpasturebeef.com

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