Episode #

Step Back Into Your Innate Potential

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podcast Description

We're back with my dear friend, Mr. Brett Knopf. In this episode, we discuss what it means to be a lifelong student to your craft. We also dive into the programming the majority of us have encountered at a young age in which we are told to give our potential to others, as we are "unable" to achieve the success in our lives without them, making society then forever dependent on those entities. If you want to innerstand the power of one's potential; if you want to hear how visualization techniques and feeding and nurturing a goal, an idea, or a dream is within our power to see the outcomes we desire in our lives; if you want to be a part of conversation that aims to encourage listeners-- as well as ourselves-- take the necessary steps towards a thriving and purposeful life, this episode is worth your time. You can find Brett: https://knopfknowssolutions.com/

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