Episode #

You Are The Luminary (Anchor Bear)

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podcast Description

Anchor Bear comes back for his third time on the P.A.T. Life podcast to discuss his journey down the rabbit hole, what a 'rock star' really is, and how to actually affect change through things you can control.

When things at the macrocosm seem to be falling apart, learn how we can set realistic goals to fix our microcosm. When you speak goals out loud, you can watch them actualize in the physical realm. But on the converse, we discuss how taking care of your physical body can help supercharge your spiritual battles.

Catch Anchor Bear at the Beartaria Times National Festival where he will be speaking as well as performing live. Get your tickets and event information at app.beartariatimes.com.

To request mixing and mastering services, email anchortonesmusic@gmail.com or visit www.anchortones.com

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