Episode #

The Body Is An Ancient Map, Now Let's Learn How To Read It (Lisa Faiman)

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My next guest needs no further introduction. The one and only Lisa Faiman is back to take us on a ride as we break down one of the microcosms of God's perfect design, and that is the human body. Lisa waste no time explaining why foot position and jaw position has such a grave impact on our pelvic alignment, and what further ramifications it has on pregnant women. Lisa explains the anterior fontanelle and the sinuses relating to old maps depicting Mount Meru and its four rivers. We take it into the spiritual realm as we talk about schizophrenia, albinos, melanin, demons, Jerry Marzinsky, The Black Toad, Old Hags, and much more.

The spread of knowledge, thought, curiosity, and wonder in this episode is phenomenal. You're not going to want to miss this episode.

You can find Lisa on Instagram: @thestrongermermaid

BT app: Mermaid bear

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