Episode #

Bushwacking Buffalo And Its Peculiar Water (Berserker Bear)

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podcast Description

Have you ever taken a moment to ponder the history of the place you call home? How did the town come to be? Who were its settlers? Who cultivated the land? What secrets were uncovered? What secrets were buried? Our next guest explores these very questions, boots on the ground, working to reveal the history of his hometown in Buffalo, NY; our guest in this episode is the legend, Berserker Bear.

Berserker takes us on a journey, breaking down some of the unique characteristics of Buffalo, NY (land patents, erie canal, Niagara Falls, potential starforts, historical resets, and much more.) We dive into what makes Buffalo's water superb, and some of the history behind upstate New York's water, and its healing properties used in the 1800's- early 1900's.

Berserker brings the gravy in this one!

You can find Berserker Bear on:

Youtube: BushwhackingHistoryinBuffalo

Instagram: Bushwhackingbuffaloberserker

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