Episode #

Do Not Rely, Build Beartaria

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podcast Description

Welcome back! Our next guest needs no further introduction. Owen Benjamin, Big Bear, takes us on his journey from Hollywood comedian to father, homesteader, and building community (Beartaria) in Idaho. We dive into the deception of the media, the situation in Canada, the toe, and how gate keepers, psy-ops, and controlled opposition are all right out of "The Devil's Playbook," as Owen puts it. Owen shares how once he saw past the veil, not apologizing for the words he said/says, being exiled from Babylon, and being deplatformed from every social media platform, he was able to use his God given creativity to still thrive (Beartaria, Beartaria times app, Beartaria magazine, Unauthorized.tv, Unbearablesmedia.com, P.O. Box, and much more). As much as we cover the hardships of what is going on around the world, the point is that you don't have to make it Your reality. With ownership and responsibility one can dream and then manifest-- through action-- the life they choose to live. Fruit not blood. A hill to grow on. Do not rely. These are the mottos that Owen and the bear community strive to live by. The question is, "Do you?" You can find Owen: Owenbenjamin.com Unbearablesmedia.com Unauthorized.tv Beartaria Times App Odysee.com: @OwenBenjamin Telegram P.O. Box 490 Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Onward!

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